Parking Rules

The common parts of the Estate (roads, verges, steps and pathways) are vested in the Estate Trustees and are privately maintained by the Committee. This is the legal basis for establishing regulations and for taking sanctions against vehicles that infringe our regulations.
The parking space on the Holly Lodge is for use by the authorised vehicles of residents, and their guests. The Estate has long had a policy of reducing unauthorised parking to a minimum, and there are 4 primary concerns expressed by residents:
- Vehicles parked on the estate by commuters during working hours
- Vehicles parked overnight
- Vehicles parked during busy weekends for access to the Heath
- Tradesmens’ vehicles.
At its discretion the Holly Lodge Estate Committee may grant the right to residents to park their vehicles, and those of their guests, on the estate’s roads.
Vehicles must display a valid badge at all times. Badges are valid subject to:
- Expiry Date (if any)
- Full payment of EMF (for plot-owners)
- Vehicle being fully licensed
- Vehicles being in constant use (SORN not recognised)
Please note:
- All residents must display the HLE Parking Badge in the windscreen of their vehicles. Only DVLA category M1 vehicles (passenger vehicles of no more than 8 seats) may hold a badge to park on Estate roads. Motor cycles will need to register with Estate office (who will notify Capital Car Parks Control, our parking management contractor) but do not need to display a parking badge.
- Commercial or work vehicles (non M1) are only permitted during specific hours if visiting or working at a property with a Visitor’s note displayed: Permitted times: Mon-Fri. 08:00-18:00; Sat. 09:00-13:00 and not at all on Sundays or Bank Holidays. Emergency Vehicles are excluded.
- Residents must ensure that all visitors, including tradesmen, place a note in the windscreen of their vehicle with the address of the resident they are visiting, date of visit and contact phone number in case of emergencies.
- Visitors’ Notes are valid for a maximum of 2 weeks.
- Visitors wishing to stay for longer than 2 weeks may apply to the Estate office for a temporary badge.
- HLE does not recognise the National or Camden Blue Disabled Badges; only the HLE Blue Badge which is for use in a disabled bay.
- Vehicles must be parked as close as reasonably possible to their property so as not to inconvenience other residents.
- Vehicles must not park on yellow or white lines or on hatched areas.
- Vehicles must not park in such a way as to obstruct others.
- Parking on the ‘Crossover’ (the tarmac between the road and the pavement giving access to a property) is strongly discouraged on an aesthetic grounds. However, it is accepted that on occasions such parking is necessary and is acceptable provided the vehicle parked is associated with the property the crossover accesses as shown by the vehicle’s parking permit, visitor’s note etc.
- Parking on the Hillway/Swain’s Lane entrance is for no more than 3 hours.
- Parking is at the absolute discretion of the Holly Lodge Estate Trustees.
Whilst you are waiting for your parking badge to be issued please display a note headed with “AWAITING BADGE” plus the following information:
- Your full Holly Lodge Estate address, number and road, and
- The date of application, and
- A contact telephone number in case of emergency
For both visitors’ and tradesmens’ vehicles the address being visited must have parking entitlements and must display a notice on the front windscreen at all times detailing:
- The full Holly Lodge Estate address, number and road, and
- date of visit, plus
- a contact telephone number in case of emergency (CCPC will not use this number. This is purely for the use of Estate staff.)
Visitor parking is short term only (2 weeks maximum). If you have visitors staying for longer than 2 weeks please contact the Estate Manager for a temporary permit.
Capital Car Park Control Customer Services Number: 0207 701 1777 Capital Car Park Control. 3 Stanton Way, Suite 0106, London SE26 5FU.
If you wish to challenge or appeal a Parking Charge Notice, please contact Capital Car Park Control in writing by post or online as soon as possible using the above details.
Capital Car Park Control advise that their charges have terms as follows:
Parking Charge Notice issued to contravening vehicle: £100.00 reduced to £60.00 if paid within the first 14 days.
- 28 days after the Parking Charge Notice: A Notice to Keeper is sent stating the charge is now £100.00.
- 14 days after the Notice to Keeper letter: A Reminder letter is sent giving a further 14 days within which to pay the Parking Charge Notice at £100.
- 14 days after the Reminder letter: A Final Reminder letter is sent giving a further 14 days within which to pay the Parking Charge Notice at £100.
- 14 days after the Final Reminder letter: Capital Car Park Control may instruct a Debt Collection Agency to collect any sums due with any consequential costs arising being added to the sum due.