Tree Preservation

Trees not only enhance the appearance of the Estate but also improve the environment by absorbing noise, pollution and carbon dioxide and emitting oxygen. They should not be removed, topped or severely lopped without a compelling reason; if a tree becomes too oppressive, thinning or crown-raising may be the preferred option.
Because Holly Lodge Estate is a Conservation area, it is necessary to obtain permission from Camden’s Planning Department before starting work on a tree unless:
- the diameter is less than 75mm (approx 3 inches) measured at 1.5m (appox 5 feet) above ground
or - the diameter is less than 100mm (approx 4 inches) measured at 1.5m above ground and it is being pruned or felled to help the growth of other trees
It is an offence punishable by a fine of up to £20,000 to work on a tree in a Conservation Area without permission.
Further information can be found on Camden’s website at: