Conservation Area & Building Regulations
The Holly Lodge Estate is a conservation area. The Holly Lodge Estate was designated a Conservation Area in June 1992 to help preserve the character of the estate.

Conservation Area Committee
A Conservation Area Advisory Committe, or CAAC, was formed at this time. This committtee is separate and distinct from the Holly Lodge Estate, and the Estate is not responsible for, nor directs, the work of the Conservation Area. The committee was formed with the following objectives;
To provide advice and recommendations to the London Borough of Camden with regard to the Holly Lodge Estate Conservation Area to include:
- advising on applications which would affect the character or appearance of the Conservation Area;
- making observations at and providing witnesses to give evidence at planning enquiries and appeals affecting the Conservation Area;
- assisting the Council in the enforcement of planning control and decisions affecting the Conservation Area;
- formulating policies for the Conservation Area including making positive proposals for its enhancement and measures for the general care and maintenance of the Area; and
- generally to act as a Conservation Area Advisory Committee in respect of the Holly Lodge Estate for the purposes of the Town & Country Planning legislation.
The committee comprises a maximum of 15 members who shall be residents of the Holly Lodge Estate aged not less than 18 years and meets as required to review planning applications forwarded by Camden.
There is an Annual General Meeting held around the time of the HLE Committee AGM to which all residents are invited to attend.
There are usually vacancies on the committee and any resident interested in becoming a member should contact the secretary.
Need for Planning Permission
The need for planning permission varies over time, i.e., prior to 2008 the material of construction of windows and doors could be changed without needing to obtain approval, since then approval is required. Advice can be found on Camden’s website
Advice on need for Planning Permission
or by phoning the duty planner: 020 7974 4444
Progressing without planning permission can result in needless expense to remove or modify the construction.
Design Guidelines

Design guidelines were drafted early on to assist residents in developing schemes that would meet the requirements of the Conservation Area designation. In December 2012 Camden adopted the Holly Lodge Estate Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy (CAAMS). This 57 page document, in addition to outlining the design requirements in the Management Strategy section includes an interesting history of the estate and review of its various character areas.
The CAAMS can be found on Camden’s web site at:
Holly Lodge Estate Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy
Residents planning a development are encouraged to study the CAAMS and ensure their professional consultant is fully conversant with the requirements. The CAAC does not give pre-application advice on plans.
Residents who feel they would be adversely affected by a development are invited to contact the CAAC Secretary with their concerns.
Also in 2012 Camden issued energy efficiency planning guidelines and these can be found at;
Energy Efficiency Guidance for Holly Lodge Estate
Both of the above documents were produced with the assistance of the CAAC and only adopted after formal consultation with all residents of the Estate.
Neighbourhood Forums
As residents of the HLE residents (other than those on Swain’s Lane) may join the Highgate Neighbourhood Forum and have a voice in the development of Highgate.
Highgate Neighbourhood Forum website
HLE Swain’s Lane residents may join the Dartmouth Park Neighbourhood Forum.
Dartmouth Park Neighbourhood Forum website
Please contact the secretary of the CAAC if you have any questions or comments.
HLE CAAC secretary :